A complete offering for traditional fuels, hydrogen, blends: 40 families of burners, certified electronic burner controls, safety shut off valves, servomotors and regulation devices; engineering and automation up to SIL3.

By leveraging the synergies between our products, we achieve ambitious results by offering comprehensive and customized solutions. We specialize solely in combustion and do not manufacture furnaces, thus avoiding competition with our clients, whom we instead help to differentiate and compete.

About Us

Thanks to our ability to rapidly develop new products, we are active in multiple sectors with highly innovative solutions: winning ideas and methods often cross-industrially applicable to solve common challenges in sustainable industrial combustion

Only a massive technological effort will make the use of expensive green fuels necessary for the energy transition economically sustainable.

That’s why we invest heavily in innovation, boasting a test center unrivaled in Europe. But we don’t stop there: we stay always ‘hungry and foolish’, ready to seize every opportunity for improvement. Our field experience, customer feedback, Group know-how, and collaboration with research centers and universities keep us always one step ahead!

“There is no energy crisis, just a crisis of ignorance.”

— Richard Buckminster Fuller

Today there are multiple combustion technologies, capable of minimizing the use of fossil fuels by reducing emissions and improving productivity and safety: alas, these are ignored by the political level which often prefers to provide subsidies instead of encouraging investments...

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